NILG.AI wins national award with AI project for waste management
The UPTEC startup developed a project using artificial intelligence that optimizes the placement of recycling bins in Algarve.
Rows extends investment round to nine million euros
Rows, a startup incubated at UPTEC, has recently closed an extension of its latest investment round, raising a total of approximately €9 million.
Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge 2024 seeks technological ideas
The 15th edition of the competition, organised by Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, is open to master's students from Portuguese universities until 21 July.
Aeroplane that generates energy, grain sorting with AI and bioreactors made from recycled plastic win national ClimateLaunchpad awards
The three winners of the national ClimateLaunchpad will represent Portugal in the regional final of the competition. In Portugal, the competition is organised by UPTEC, Ordem dos Engenheiros - Região Norte and Fórum Oceano/Hub Azul.
UPTEC in a 1.5M€ European consortium to raise awareness of maritime transport challenges
The SaferSEA programme aims to help prevent the risks associated with maritime transport and will hold its first event on July 3 at UPTEC Asprela I
Wine ageing, grain sorting with AI and sustainable fertiliser among seven ideas to compete in European climate programme
The Portuguese final of the world's largest cleantech competition, ClimateLaunchPad, is organised by UPTEC, Ordem dos Engenheiros - Região Norte and Fórum Oceano/Hub Azul
Azitek reaches €1M in investment with asset tracking system
The UPTEC startup has completed a new round of capital raising in an operation by Beta Capital, Portugal Ventures and Cedrus Capital
VG CoLAB is the first collaborative laboratory to join the European Battery Consortium
The collaborative laboratory VG CoLAB which focuses on energy storage, joins the consortium funded by the European Commission to the tune of almost 3 billion euros
UPTEC graduates among the 150 fastest-growing tech companies in Europe
Addvolt and Knok on the podium of the fastest growing national companies in Europe, the Middle East and Africa
Rows raises 8 million euros to accelerate expansion in the US and UK
UPTEC startup aims to improve the artificial intelligence features of spreadsheets
Jscrambler was honoured by the world's most influential cybersecurity magazine
Jscrambler was awarded alongside companies such as Deloitte, Microsoft, Cisco and Mastercard at the 12th edition of the Global Infosec Awards 2024
Hortee receives investment of €50,000 from the world's largest food innovation community
The UPTEC startup's online platform for buying local products is now part of the European Commission's New European Bauhaus programme
Seedsight wants to combat seed and cereal waste with innovative solution
Platform from the startup incubated at UPTEC focused on increasing the amount of food available in the future with the same current resources
Probely among the first 48 companies to join the European Innovation Council's Scaling Club
The startup incubated at UPTEC is now part of an exclusive community made up of 100 European deep tech companies and partners.
Promptly selected to be NHS Wales technology partner
Startup da UPTEC selecionada para contrato nacional de recolha de dados do Serviço Nacional de Saúde do País de Gales, que presta cuidados a 3 milhões de pessoas.
JUMP: Municipality of Famalicão and UPTEC seek business ideas for the green and digital transition
The programme will award 9000 euros in prizes for the best solutions for industry, the city and citizens. Applications are open until 7th April.
Santander supports U.Porto Alumni project to raise funding
A AcuRate, criada por Maria Silva e Edmundo Cadilha, está entre os 20 projetos selecionados para receber acompanhamento em crowdfunding
Connected and ETHIACK among the ten most promising Portuguese startups in 2024
The two companies incubated at UPTEC appear on the list published by, the leading website for content specialized in European startups
Addvolt and Knok on the podium of Portugal's fastest-growing technology companies
UPTEC's graduated companies are part of the 50 companies with an aggregate turnover of more than 550 million euros and an average growth of 400%.
Portugal Ventures invests in UPTEC startups: SpaceO and Windcredible
UPTEC startups were two of the six companies that received funding due to the Call INNOV-ID from Portugal Ventures.
UPTEC's startup among the eight best cleantech ideas in Europe was the only Portuguese company to participate in the continental final of ClimateLaunchPad 2023, the world's largest climate technology competition
"The Finns are a very pragmatic people, very good at executing a vision"
In this “Open Doors” we share the experience of Raphael Stanzani from UPTEC, who traveled to Vaasa, as part of the OpenInonTrain
Santander X Awards Portugal 2023 has 30 thousand euros to support startups
Applications for the Santander X Awards Portugal 2023 close on September 25th in the Seed and Early-Stage categories
UPTEC participates in the 2nd edition of Portugal Tech Week
The biggest innovation festival in Portugal will take place from the 12th to the 22nd of November and plans to promote more than 200 events across the country
UPTEC startup transports emergency kits by drone over the sea in “the world’s largest robotics exercise”
Connect Robotics is part of the list of participants in REPMUS, organised by the Portuguese Navy and NATO, which was held on September 4th, off Troia and Sesimbra
Tagpeak launches an unprecedented platform that allows to shop and receive part of the money spent
The solution of UPTEC's startup allows that a percentage of the amount spent on a purchase to be applied in the financial market without risk to the buyer
Ford selected UPTEC's startup to make the biggest European factory more efficient
Azitek has produced an asset tracking system that aims to reduce losses of returnable transport items by up to 7%
Hortee vence programas de aceleração da AEP e Startup Lisboa
Projeto incubado na UPTEC esteve em destaque nos eventos nas iniciativas Desafios 5.0 e Clean Future
Startup da UPTEC em consórcio de 25 milhões de euros para criação de drones subaquáticos de Defesa Europeia
Adyta é um dos 20 participantes no projeto SWAT-SHOAL que terá duração de 36 meses ao abrigo do Fundo Europeu de Defesa 2022
Soluções de gestão de e-waste, de agricultura vertical e de eficiência na construção vencem final nacional do ClimateLaunchpad 2023
Startups Simby, Santa Farm Technology e vão representar Portugal na final europeia da maior competição de ideias cleantech do mundo
Windcredible participa no Techstars e vence PRIO Jump Start
Startup da UPTEC participou no programa de aceleração de renome e foi uma das vencedoras da 7.ª edição do programa de inovação português
Startup da UPTEC desenvolve tecnologia para limpeza de lixo espacial
Portuguesa Eptune Engineering vai recolher satélites após fim de missão na órbita terrestre baixa e tem os olhos postos em Marte
Soluções de e-waste, arsénio na água e cultivo vertical na final do ClimateLaunchPad
São sete as ideias de negócio que vão a concurso na final portuguesa da maior competição de cleantech do mundo, que é organizada pela UPTEC, LIPOR e Fórum Oceano/Hub Azul
Programa internacional do Santander procura jovens com projetos que contribuam para os ODS
Em Portugal, o Explorer conta com o apoio da UPTEC e arranca em setembro de 2023
Sistema que identifica intolerâncias alimentares vence programa da UPTEC
LeGut, Peeking Window e Rede DIA no pódio da Escola de Startups da UPTEC, financiado pelo Skills for a Next Generation U.Porto inserido no POCH do PT2020
Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge regressa para premiar as ideias tecnológicas mais promissoras
Instituto de investigação instalado na UPTEC organiza a 14.ª edição do desafio que pretende distinguir investigações com utilidade prática desenvolvidas em Portugal
Read30/06/2023 utiliza Inteligência Artificial para calcular acessibilidade de pessoas em cadeira de rodas
Ideia será apresentada no dia 10 de julho, num pitch na Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Startup da UPTEC cria a primeira app de comunicação segura portuguesa certificada pelo Gabinete Nacional de Segurança
A Adyta, startup que atua na área da segurança, recebeu a distinção no último dia da 9.ª edição da conferência C-DAYS