Our commitment

The businesses of tomorrow are committed to preserving the planet, creating diverse and inclusive cultures, and having a transparent governance policy.

We believe – as a cradle of innovation – that our actions will encourage our community to be more sustainable. Therefore, UPTEC is starting a journey to align our activities with the ESG — Environment, Social, and Governance principles, as well as with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, defined by United Nations.

Our Values

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We are proud of our diverse and multidisciplinary community, an open environment for everyone to take risks, learn and create responsible businesses.

Code of Conduct
[find more]


We believe innovation and knowledge are key drivers to build a better society and future, so we foster a propitious environment for cutting-edge inventions to thrive.


We are focused on engaging our entrepreneurs with each other and with our ecosystem of worldwide partners, encouraging cooperation and networking.


We inspire our businesses to integrate a sustainability mindset, connecting environmental, social, and economic principles to create value.

Our purpose

We’re empowering responsible businesses to build a better society through innovation and knowledge.



Our Actions to achieve SDGs

Sustainable Development Goals 5

Target 5.5

UPTEC is committed to Gender Equality, by ensuring women’s participation in leadership decisions and promoting equal opportunities for women to start up a business project.

Women at UPTEC Team 50%
Women at UPTEC Board 66%
Companies founded by women 24%
Sustainable Development Goals

Target 8.2

Promoting entrepreneurship, namely knowledge-intensive projects, has been one of UPTEC’s main focuses. Our entrepreneurs bring together creativity, technology, and innovation to launch high-value-added businesses that are contributing to and supporting the sustainable economic growth of our region and country.

284M€ Impact on GDP [in 2019]

Target 8.6

UPTEC is committed to creating employment and decent work for all, supporting the work-life balance of our employees, and promoting a healthy and open working environment.

15 UPTEC Employees | 1800 People at UPTEC Community [in 2020]

Sustainable Development Goals 9

Target 9.5

UPTEC is actively contributing to fostering innovation and startups creation, as well as establishing bridges between research development and industrial sectors. Our pledge is to create the ideal environment for entrepreneurship that shapes a new economic paradigm, more transparent, ethical and sustainable.

204 business projects supported [in 2020]

Target 10.2

UPTEC is fostering diversity and inclusion, by building a multicultural community where everyone has equal opportunities and any kind of discrimination has no place.
Beyond that, UPTEC is contributing to reducing inequalities and promoting social integration for all, through cooperation with local communities and civil society organizations.

Signing the Portuguese Charter for Diversity

Hosting and collaborating with Serve the City and Associação Salvador activities

Sustainable Development Goals 12

Target 12.3

UPTEC has been collaborating with initiatives that are striving to reduce food waste and food losses along production and supply chains, in order to encourage our community for responsible consumption.

Implementation of Dose Certa, a project against food waste, promoted by LIPOR

Hosting initiatives of food distribution from local farmers, promoted by AMAP

Target 12.5

Waste may have a second life, that is the reason why UPTEC promotes the prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse of materials.

Collecting electric and electronic waste for recycling or fixing to reuse, in collaboration with ERP Portugal and Recycle Geeks

Provide recycling bins in every office and common spaces, in collaboration with LIPOR

Sustainable Development Goals 17

Target 17.6

Working in partnership allows us to successfully achieve the global challenges for sustainable development. Thus, UPTEC is a part of some organizations and networks committed to sustainability and is also working closely with multi-stakeholder partners for sharing knowledge and resources.

Our Organizations and Partners

Trabalho digno e crescimento económico

  • Dinamização de programa de aceleração de ideias de negócio. com o intuito de facilitar a criação de projetos empresariais e consecutivamente a geração de emprego. Exemplo: Escola de Startups, ClimateLaunchpad, ESA BIC Portugal.
  • Reduzir substancialmente a proporção de jovens sem emprego, educação ou formação.
  • Atingir níveis mais elevados de produtividade das economias através da diversificação, modernização tecnológica e inovação, inclusive através da focalização em setores de alto valor agregado e dos setores de mão-de-obra intensiva.

Indústria, Inovação e Infraestruturas

  • Dinamização de iniciativas que reúnam decisores da área da investigação/ensino, startups e indústria. Exemplo: Industry@UPTEC.
  • Apoiar o desenvolvimento tecnológico, a investigação e a inovação nacionais nos países em desenvolvimento, inclusive garantindo um ambiente político propício para, entre outras coisas, a diversificação industrial e a agregação de valor às matérias-primas.

Reduzir as desigualdades

  • Acolhimento dos encontros de recrutamento da Associação Salvador.
  • Acolhimento das formações para a inserção social e cidadania ativa da Serve the City.
  • Até 2030, empoderar e promover a inclusão social, económica e política de todos, independentemente da idade, género, deficiência, raça, etnia, origem, religião, condição económica ou outra.

Produção e consumo sustentáveis

  • Realização do projeto Dose Certa, promovido pela LIPOR, na cafetaria da sede da UPTEC.
  • Em colaboração com a LIPOR, a UPTEC implementou vários pontos de reciclagem.
  • Adesão à campanha “Todos pelo IPO”, dinamizada pela ERP Portugal.
  • Dinamização da entrega de cabazes da AMAP (Associação pela Manutenção da Agricultura de Proximidade) nas instalações da UPTEC.
  • Até 2030, reduzir para metade o desperdício de alimentos per capita a nível mundial, de retalho e do consumidor, e reduzir os desperdícios de alimentos ao longo das cadeias de produção e abastecimento, incluindo os que ocorrem pós-colheita.
  • Até 2030, reduzir substancialmente a geração de resíduos por meio da provenção, redução, reciclagem e reutilização.

Parcerias para a implementação dos objetivos

  • Integração no Pacto Português para os Plásticos.
  • Subscrição da Carta de Princípios do BCSD Portugal.
  • Reforçar a parceria global para o desenvolvimento sustentável, complementada por parcerias multissetoriais que mobilizem e partilhem conhecimento, perícia, tecnologia e recursos financeiros, para apoiar a realização dos objetivos do desenvolvimento sustentável em todos os países, particularmente nos países em desenvolvimento.
  • Incentivar e promover parcerias públicas, público-privadas e com a sociedade civil que sejam eficazes, a partir da experiência das estratégias de mobilização de recursos dessas parcerias.


Cachupa is accepting applications for the 2nd edition of the Communication for Impact Workshops

The training programme created by Cachupa Creative Studio, which starts at the beginning of May, is aimed at social impact organisations.



UPTEC among incubators to support EDP Energia Solidária programme

UPTEC was one of the 16 incubators invited to support candidates in the ideation and application process for EDP Energia Solidária.



UPTEC's startup among the eight best cleantech ideas in Europe

Build.ing was the only Portuguese company to participate in the continental final of ClimateLaunchPad 2023, the world's largest climate technology competition


