UPTEC in European project with €45,000 for innovative solutions in the Blue Bioeconomy

Blue Shuttle, a project funded by the European Union with UPTEC – Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto as one of its partners, is looking for digital and technological solutions to address challenges in the blue bioeconomy sector.

The project invites companies to present solutions to the challenges faced by three European companies, based in Portugal, Spain and France, in sectors such as the blue economy of marine resources and blue biotechnology.

In Portugal, the project is seeking an organisation to develop an intelligent system for the integrated management of solid resources from aquaponics, in order to boost the green and digital transition in this type of production system, which combines aquaculture with hydroponics.

In Spain, the challenge is to create a system of unmanned ground vehicles to manage cormorants in nurseries, while in France the aim is to advance the implementation of artificial intelligence to optimise wastewater treatment with microalgae.

Following a selection process, the three winning organisations will be invited to take part in a 12-month pilot project, working closely with the organisations proposing the challenges. With financial support of €15,000 for each, the startups will be able to develop an innovative proof of concept for their proposed solution.

Startups, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) or Technology and Innovation Centres based in the European Atlantic Area (Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal) can submit innovative solutions to these challenges until 30 April 2025 via the BlueShuttle project website.

Blue Shuttle: digital transformation in the blue bioeconomy

Blue Shuttle is a European project co-funded by the Interreg Programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Implemented by a consortium of seven organisations from Spain, Portugal, France and Ireland, the project aims to accelerate the use of digital technology in the blue bioeconomy sector in the European Atlantic Area.

March 18, 2025

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