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Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Social

We aim to deliver meaningful experiences through great design, awesome development and remarkable content.



UPTEC Asprela I

WECUL offers the experience of 20 years of knowledge in the implementation of integrated management and automation solutions for the Memory Institutions: Libraries, Archives and Museums. The challenge of these institutions in ensuring access to information, knowledge and culture to its users is the reason for the support we want to give them by providing of services and innovative solutions that help in the best achievement of their missions. With internationally partners, installed solutions in thousands of institutions, an accumulation of users and professional experiences, we consolidate knowledge and best practices for better management of these collections, making use of new technologies and solutions. Looking for providing a service of excellence, based on availability, in the relationship and partnership with our customers, we want to help the Memory Institutions to better serve their communities and the empower of its users.



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