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Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Social

We aim to deliver meaningful experiences through great design, awesome development and remarkable content.



Streambolico technologies offer enhanced quality of experience for real-time data streaming over wireless networks. Our solutions combine wireless multicasting, interactive apps and the power of network coding, to deliver the right data packets to the right costumer at the right time. A great example is when multiple clients connect to a WiFi hotspot to watch live video streams using their smart phones, laptops or tablets. The key challenge, which our technology is able to overcome, is caused by the typically poor quality of the wireless link, which causes loss of critical data packets and strong deterioration of the perceived video quality. Our technology allows all users to recover lost packets with very limited delay. Streambolico’s team has a large experience in developing and prototyping multimedia platforms for wireless communications, including communication software, communication protocols, security mechanisms and coding algorithms. Streambolico is a spin-off from Instituto de Telecomunicações and from Universidade do Porto.

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