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SAport – Engineering and Food Security, Inc. is a private company, which emerged in the School of Biotechnology, Portuguese Catholic University in Porto and also currently holds an office in Lisbon. Since its establishment, SAport has been positioned as a specialist consultancy in the areas of Quality and Food Safety, Nutrition and Management Engineering and Agro-Food Sector. SAport’s resources are based on a multidisciplinary team that works in coordination with technical graduates in Agri-Food Engineering, Biological Engineering and Biotechnology, Microbiology, Nutrition, Food Quality and Veterinary. SAport adds value to their services by incorporating information technology in order to provide differentiation to its customers and ensure good management and organization of their companies. SAport’s mission is to provide a set of innovative tools and services that support food businesses in the effective management and integrated quality, safety, technology and innovation of its products and services, as well as restoration, guidance and development of their business, making thus able to meet the challenges of the competitive market, ensuring their legal and functional sustainability. The scope of action of SAport is divided into four main components: (i) SAport Retail Consulting, implementation services and maintenance of Security Systems and Food Quality and Nutrition, directed to the sectors of retail, catering, hospitality, education and collective power; (ii) SAport Industry Consulting, consulting and advanced services to support the agri-food industry, in terms of Quality and Safety, Management, Engineering, and Innovation. (iii) SAport Nutrition Consulting, nutrition consulting in the areas of catering, Public Health and Community Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition. (iv) SAport Technology Consulting, partnership with FoodInTech Inc. in the design, marketing and implementation of the latest information technologies and automation to support the food sector. The passport represents a set of software and hardware solutions that enable food business operators to develop high-level competitive advantages.



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