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Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Social

We aim to deliver meaningful experiences through great design, awesome development and remarkable content.




The importance of design as an emerging discipline is attested by various recent European reports that clearly state the need to prioritise its rooting and implementation as a scientific and entrepreneurial interface. Portugal stands as a particularly apt environment for the flourishing of Design as a discipline weaving social, cultural and economic factors into a stronger fabric. Its internationally acknowledged industrial capacities are not matched by equal brand recognition; its Social History lacks a tradition of creative involvement; and there seems to be a lack of channelling design practice itself onto territories of common knowledge and, ultimately, common good. PhDDesign is concerned with contributing to a socio-cultural paradigm shift: a shift that may, in due time, redefine territories of knowledge, accessibility, solidarity, resourcefulness and citizenship. By acknowledging this as a long-term mission, PhDDesign aims at establishing a “School” of Applied Design Research: a “School” in which research projects, PhD theses, design practice and entrepreneurial partnerships will complement one another, towards the shared goal of social, cultural and economic regeneration.

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