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UPTEC Asprela II

The NET4CO2 is a network of R&D competences and technologies with the goal of creating new processes and products that make a significant contribution to the CO2 sustainable circular economy. Our current lifestyle is highly dependent on non-renewable energy sources, such as petroleum, natural gas or coal. Obtaining energy from burning these fuels involves the release of a significant number of particles and also an increase in the amount CO2 in the atmosphere. The pace at which these CO2 emissions are increasing is faster than what the Earth can adapt. The NET4CO2 aims to mitigate these trends without compromising the quality of life we are used to. For that, technical solutions are being developed on two main fronts: – A safe, efficient and profitable capture and separation of CO2; – A competitive production of alternative fuels: synthetic fuels, which provide a route for CO2 and CH4 reutilization; and hydrogen which involves zero CO2 emissions. The NET4CO2 mission is to align different entities for the development of processes and products which provide sustainable and competitive solutions for the CO2 capture and separation, and CO2 valorization.



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