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Tools for analyze performance on water are practically non-existent, and the challenge increases a lot in the salt water. This is a transversal problem for all nautical sliding sports, and the analytical information needed to evolve is unknown.  mOceanSense solves this problem with a new product and service for quantitative analysis in real-time. We utilize the latest technologies for motion tracking combined with our innovative fluid flow sensor, which revolutionizes the current technology by allowing relativize ground reference measurements via the water medium. Our technology and methodology have been tested in laboratory conditions and proven in real-world pilot tests. Our system is capable of acquiring 3D navigational data with scientific quality and precision, making it possible to analyze in statistical detail what really happens moment-to-moment within athlete performance.  With our technology, the nautical sports community will be able to watch live broadcast and interact in real-time with performance analytics while sharing statistical comparisons.  

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