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Keeyns Portugal SA

Keeyns Portugal SA

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Keeyns Portugal SA

Keeyns Portugal SA

UPTEC Asprela I

Keeyns is founded in 2017 by former international tax partners and inhouse tax directors who felt the pain of uncontrolled tax processes and decentralized tax data storage. Due to that, lots of valuable time and money is still spent, even in the most professional organisations. Not to mention completely unnecessary fines for late filings. In a time where governance, compliance and control is key. It is Keeyns’ mission to transform the way tax divisions work, whilst being always in full control and fully compliant, anywhere in the world. Keeyns has built an intuitive, user-friendly solution. Customers can use our validated system templates and tax calendar or build very easy their own custom workflows. All files are stored on the Keeyns platform, which serves as the single source of truth. Customers are no longer affected by churn of personnel or by switching to another advisory firm. Continuity is guaranteed. Keeyns is a state of the art off-the-shelf solution, with access for internal and external stakeholders. No complex, never ending integration process, but a plug & play cloud solution. We serve clients from various industries and offer a solution for companies with 5 million–50 billion revenues, active in 2–200 countries, with 5–5.000 legal entities. At Keeyns we are committed to strengthen the platform via ongoing innovations like tax engines, expansion of validated workflows, management reports and customized data analytics. So we can keep living up to our promise: Work smart, sleep well



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