JunicodersObjetivos de Desenvolvimento Social
We aim to deliver meaningful experiences through great design, awesome development and remarkable content.

Junicoders is a STEM education project, created by a group of engineers, which aims to stimulate the development of skills related to computational thinking, awakening interest in programming and robotics in children and young people. Our mission is to foster the skills of the future in children and young people, allowing them to leave their mark on the world. To achieve this goal, we rely on: • Qualified and specialized teachers; • A project-based teaching approach and STEM methodology; • Customized didactic content and electronics kits; • Visit to the Faculty’s engineering laboratory and visit to a game development company. We believe that by addressing STEM learning, these activities are a great opportunity for students to learn in a playful and interactive way, the skills that will be useful in their future academic and professional lives.