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Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Social

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The infiniteBook is a whiteboard notebook. It offers you the same writing experience of a whiteboard, you can write, erase and write again on 15 reusable and malleable pages.  Now your notebook is infinite. The infiniteBook was born because of a problem stated by the founder, Pedro Lopes, when he was only 17 year old, while studying. He never liked studying using a pencil, it’s not smooth when you write. The pen was also not the best solution once its ink is permanent. The whiteboard have a awesome writing experience but is stuck on the wall. Why not make that board portable? Thus was born the infiniteBook.                          “I started this company with a vision. I believe that we only learn making mistakes and we only make mistakes that we know that afterwards can fix. That was always the idea of the product, the possibility of write and erase forever. From here, the possibilities are limitless.” 

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