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UPTEC Asprela I

FASTinov S.A. is a spin-off of University of Porto founded in 2013 by a multidisciplinary team with expertise in clinical microbiology and flow cytometry assay. FASTinov developed a patented disruptive technology to perform fast and reliable antimicrobial susceptibility tests, and is in the process of certifying the FAST kits and large-scale production. The global emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance is a major medical problem. In case of a severe infection, empiric therapy by the clinician is immediately started – since diagnostic confirmation, including a susceptibility profile, takes at least 48h with current methods and technology. In order to support clinical decisions with a fast turnaround time, FASTinov offers a time saving solution to be directly applied to positive blood cultures, urine or pure colony isolates of bacteria or yeast. The innovative approach allows the determination of the susceptibility phenotype in a 2 hours, versus the minimum of 48 hours needed with current standard methods. A susceptibility profile obtained in a short period of time strongly contributes to reduction on: i) medication costs, ii) clinical failure, iii) diagnostic and hospitalization cost, iv) emergence of antimicrobial resistance, v) the diffusion of multi-resistant strains by allowing early isolation measures adoption.



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