Associação Nacional dos Industriais de Conservas de Peixe
Associação Nacional dos Industriais de Conservas de PeixeObjetivos de Desenvolvimento Social
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Associação Nacional dos Industriais de Conservas de Peixe
ANICP (National Association of Canned Fish Industries) is an Association founded in 1977 whose objective is to defend the interests of its members. At ANICP, we work daily to: promote cooperation between members, encouraging the achievement of converging positions on matters of common interest, defending these positions before any public or private entities; guarantee and preserve the prestige of the Association’s activity, promote its dissemination and contribute to the correct and impartial information of the public; develop studies and implement the necessary actions for the effective support of its members, within the scope of the respective activity; represent its members in the celebration of collective labor agreements; join, participate or be represented in other associations or in any legal persons that pursue purposes of interest to the members’ own activity; practice, in general, all the actions and functions necessary for the achievement of its purposes; defend the interests of its members at the international level, representing them with key institutions in the sector.