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UPTEC Asprela II

The Rede de Competência em Polímeros (ARCP) is a private non-profit organization established in 2007. The project was created to overcome the difficulty of doing research in which the University and the Industry cooperated and to promote the usage of emerging knowledge. ARCP’s purpose is the research and development in the field of Polymers’ Science and Technology for industrial applications. The association is oriented towards the creation of a Center of Excellence which allows rationalizing the R&D costs by sharing resources and, therefore, favors innovation and competitiveness of the associated companies. ARCP is also dedicated to the design, content development and training courses in its area, including, among others, e-learning courses, which contribute to the enhancement of human potential and the growth of associated companies as well as other companies. Currently ARCP members are Universities and companies: Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, University of Aveiro, Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu and Polytechnic Institute of Bragança; the associated companies are: Amorim&Irmãos – S.A. from Amorim Group, CIN – Corporação Industrial do Norte S.A., CUF – Químicos Industriais S.A., TMG Automotive, Sonae Indústria de Revestimentos, OMNOVA Solutions Portugal S.A., Euroresinas – Indústrias Químicas, Tribochem and Tintex Textiles S.A..



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