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ACAGES is a company that was born following the work developed by its creators within the Portuguese justice system for over 20 years. In this aspect the Integrated Information System of Procedural Information System – SIIP was born, being a computer platform created to assist police, prosecutors, judges and lawyers in the organization, processing organization, treatment, analysis and presentation of evidence in court trial, reducing the time of justice by about 50%. In fact, the acceleration of justice and the reduction of costs inherent in the exercise of this activity is the core of SIIP. However, as a result of several requests, other areas of action came to be addressed. Thus, the carrying out of examinations and surveys of digital equipment, as well as translations and transcriptions in the scope of requests made by, and connected to, the organs of justice, have strengthened the organization’s capacity to respond, analysis, processing and presentation of evidence in court. At this moment ACAGES is in the process of Internationalization, having already contacted some countries interested in adopting SIIP.



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